Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Face Of The New Community Pimps

A friend of mine with good intentions spoke with me recently about the desire of his church to provide services to aid our youth and their families. Already their small church is hosting nightly recreation, bible studies, tutoring, an occasional field trip and dinner Monday through Friday. Nearly 70 children, many who are quite hungry, pile into the small sanctuary for food and a safe place to be. The church is looking to expand the amount of children they can accommodate and have asked the local school for permission to use their facilities.

Granted, I do believe that the churches in our community should be doing a lot more to win souls then a song and dance on Sunday. I applaud the efforts of this church in particular. However, I am concerned because there are two community centers just a few blocks away from this church that are getting money to provide the services the church has had to assume. Why is that? It certainly is not because these centers are being over run with children and families. And this is not unique to this particular locality.

It is sexy and fashionable to blame pimps, drug dealers and disfunctional family situations for the plight of our children. But they are not being handed a pass to aid in the welfare of our youth, our future, our citizens like these community centers. We know pimps and drug dealers are harmful and dangerous and will not be helpful. We don't expect that of human service agencies given their mission and what we've historically come to expect of them.

Times have certainly changed and the face of these agencies have as well. I believe our modern- day community centers and schools are the biggest, most diabolic of the new-day pimps in the neighborhood and our churches have co-signed on an evil contract to allow distress and misery to bind our babies.

Pimps make their money off of the misery of someone else. Oh sure, the someone else gets a little compensation. But the pimp, the middleman, controls what and how much. While ultimately this is a means by which the "someone else" gets services and goods, the middleman is said to be necessary to keep the person safe in the transaction. The Pimp is there to make sure you receive payment. You invest the time, the pimp guarantees the payment is delivered. The pimp is the middleman and takes his cut off the top of what comes in. No consideration is given to the value of needs of the person at the end of the transaction...the intended target

The same holds true for community centers and schools. It is not about the person the intended target. While the money coming in is suppose to benefit them, that is secondary to everything else. There is a whole lot that has to come off the top first. There are the salaries and administrative costs. There are building costs, utilities, taxes and other operational costs. Once all of that is paid, low level consideration is given to what can be provided to the intended target. And as salaries and operational costs have increased and revenue has gone down... less and less is available to aid the intended target. But then... that is the pimp game.

The church of old was wise and could clearly see and would bravely confront injustice. They would not whisper about it and find a way around it. As with any other evil, they called it out and fought it head on... that was part of the ministry and mission of the old church. Creating a duplicate program because those who have been assigned to do it originally won't is co-signing on the existing injustice and evil. It is meekly finding a way around the injustice as to not ruffle feathers.

It is an injustice that centers and programs and agencies are receiving lots and lots of money to improve the quality of life of our children, to educate them sufficiently, to offer exposure and guidance and safety and food they may not otherwise get. Yet our children are not getting what is intended for them because of a pimp's callous discretion. That is wrong, that is evil, that is unjust.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

McChrystal Had To Go

In 1951 when General McArthur publically challenged the position of the then President Truman and the White House leaders he was fired! This afternoon, Stanley McChyrstal met the same fate. I applaude President Obama for swift and decisive action on this matter.

As the President reminded the nation, "We are at War." It is for that reason most of all that the President and his Military Leadership must be on one accord in public and there is no room for insubordination or disrespect of the President from his team.

General McChrystal and staff for some reason thought their antics and comments were quite amusing. I am glad it was President Obama with Vice President Biden at his side who had the last laugh.

This all stems from reports that were released yesterday that General McCrystal and his staff regularly make fun of White House leadership in mixed company. They do it behind their doors and they do it in front of the press. And they do not seem to think this is inappropriate or wrong.

It seems that to some degree, General McChrystal was following the footstep of General McArthur of the Korean War days. I am not sure what is up with the Mc - Generals, but I am pleased Obama did as Truman and gave his military leader his walking papers.

This was the latest in verbal assaults on the White House Leadership and the President himself from the McChrystal camp. As a result of the latest, General Stanley McChrystal was summons to a meeting with the President this morning to answer questions surrounding an article in Rolling Stones Magazine to hit the stands Friday. In that article the General makes some unflattering, off the cuff remarks about the White House leaders . The staff of advisers and media relations experts jokingly take the comments to a whole new level. Comments were made about a number of people including Vice President Joe Biden. Biden was called "Bite Me" by one of McChrystal's staff. All of this is captured in the article to be released on Friday.

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates calls it "a significant mistake", when asked about the recent comments of General Stanley McChrystal and staff. The White House echoed the same sentiment Tuesday, but dropped the hammer on the General today. One of the leading media relations aides to the General has already resigned.

I first believed this was evidence of an unsophisticated team. As a seasoned public relations professional, I was disappointed that in such an important agency, no one thought that they needed some media relations veterans on staff as advisers. ( I later discovered there are P.R. veterans on the team.) I was disgusted that his media relations team did not do a better job of coaching and advising those who were interacting with the media. They even called some of Obama's staff clowns. My question is where on earth did McChrystal find his group of "clowns" and why were they managing a part of the image the world sees of our government and our leaders? Scary!

After further investigation on the matter I am now convinced this was more than poor judgement or a mistake. I believe this was intentional and a blatant disrespect for the President of the United States, not the Office, but the man--President Obama. Done so because the culprits thought they could get away with it.

More sinister then that, this was a deliberate effort lodged to question the President's competence in open view for the world to see. This was also an effort to get public support on the side of McChrystal so that he could more freely assert his agenda free of Obama's direction. It is something McChrysal has done before to Obama, gotten away with, and the General believed he could do again. The bottom line is that he'd lost track of the military pact he'd made to follow the chain of command. Perhaps he'd watched too many action movies where the General defies the President and single-handedly wins the war. Whatever his perception, the reality is his actions constitute insubordination and Obama dealt with him in real-life terms.

Rolling Stone's Editor Eric Bates made his rounds on Wenesday appearing on a number of television and radio programs confirming that the General and his staff were well aware that their ugly comments were on the record. Moreover, McChrystal and his team knew the contents of the article for two weeks while editors were completing fact checking. All senior government executives and leaders know you are always on the record when a reporter is around, even if you and they agree it is off the record. You are never ever to trust that. That is P.R 101. Only arrogance could explain their disregard and obnoxious behavior.

Remember, this is the latest in a series and a pattern of disparaging remarks McChrystal and his staff have made about the President, his boss. Just as much of the deriding of White House Leadership came from aides of General McChrystal. The Rolling stone reports some unkind words one advisor to McCrystal used to recant the first meeting between McChrystal and Obama. The advisor said openly to the interviewer, "Obama clearly didn't know anything about him, who he was. Here's the guy who's going to run his fucking war, but he didn't seem very engaged. The Boss was pretty disappointed." This was a real comment. Scarier!

Everyone knows the tone for what is acceptable is established at the top. That speaks volumes. The General's staff spoke and acted inappropriately, with no respect and with a ignorant disregard for the chain of command. Respect for and an adherence to a chain of command is something that is mastered by those in the military. Except in this case and with regard to President Barack Obama.

Since McChrystal obviously has no respect for his boss and believes it appropriate to address the President across media outlet as oppose to across a conference table, how could we trust his judgement in war. He and every last one of those clowns on his executive team and his media relations advisers all need their walking papers. In the words of Donald Trump... "Your Fired!"

Now for the scariest of all of the information released on McChrystal. Years ago while at West Point, the General was the managing editor of a literary magazine called "The Pointer.
This is a publication that features a lot of fiction and creative works. Interestingly enough, McChrystal penned several short stories that unveil a plot to assassinate the president.

What do you do with a man with that much top secret training, knowledge and experience who now will have a lot of time on his hands and a chip on his shoulder. Hopefully McChrystal will seek a book deal and agree with the old adage the pen is mightier than the sword.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Housing Authorities Are Stripping The Poor of Second Amendment Rights?

On Wednesday May 26, 2010, The National Rifle Association (NRA) filed suit against the Wilmington Housing Authority of Wilmington, Delaware for prohibiting tenants from owning guns. Their argument is that such a policy is a violation of Second Amendment rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution specifically says, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Furthermore, in 2008 U.S. Supreme Court in The District of Columbia v. Heller, ruled that the Second Amendment secures an individuals right to own firearms. With that in their holsters, the NRA has also sued public housing authorities in San Francisco, Portland, Maine, Washington, DC and Newark, New Jersey.

While brilliant, the framers of the US Constitution were not visionaries in that they could predict that this would someday establish the land of milk and honey as the leader in per capita gun deaths among industrial nations. If they were, I am certain they would have added additional language to the protections to bear arms. Furthermore, the idea behind the Second Amendment had more to do with "homeland security". Our founding fathers wanted to make sure that our nation and it's citizens were able to defend itself from foreign invaders and a federal government gone rogue.

Who new that a proliferation of guns would flood our communities and ill-willed U.S. citizens would be toting them. Who new that this protection would make possible the assassinations of U.S. Presidents Abraham Lincoln in 1865, and of Presidents James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. Or the murders of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Presidential hopeful Bert Kennedy. Or noted killings that include the Columbine High School massacre, The DC Beltway shootings, the Virginia Tech massacre. Who new that poverty would lead to crime and criminals would turn to guns as a tool to acquire their idea of the American Dream? Who knew that our nation would grow a large population of those overwhelmed with despair and other who are just deviant or disturbed and these individuals would turn to guns to ease their pain? Who knew we'd witness a time in which every couple of minutes someone in our nation is shot and killed and many of them are children?

One of the hardest decision a person must make is if they are willing to leave themselves vulnerable in such a cruel, violent, unpredictable and dangerous world. President Barack Obama is facing that very frightening question as he pledges our nation's adherence to plans to reduce and ultimately eliminate the number of nuclear weapons in our hands. All of the what if questions torment your mind. You want to feel safe. I get that. I am there with you on that.

Several months ago a small, family-owned liquor store was targeted for a robbery. Three men entered the store with guns and instructed the owner to hand over the money. Instead he shot one of the robbers to death and the other two fled, but were later caught by police. I am embarrassed to admit it, but I cheered the business owner who stood up for himself and would not be terrorized any further. He'd been robbed several times before. He was not charged for the murder.

So where is there to be a compromise. Legislation that stiffens the penalties for gun crimes has not worked. The illegal distribution of guns to youth and criminal-minded people continues.
Policies that strip poor people of "rights" that others have is not fair and that is the one point I do agree with the NRA. People want to be able to fight back, because they are tired of being afraid and tired of being a victim. Those in public housing often have more reasons than any other to be afraid.

None of this is mentioned in the Second Amendment. So I propose a new amendment. It goes like this....

Anyone caught using a gun for the purposes not intended and anyone caught selling or giving a gun to anyone underage, mentally impaired or having a criminal background that prohibits it, shall have all of their property confiscated, bank accounts frozen and their money taken. They will also be placed on a registry similar to that of a sex offender.

Anyone whose child gets a hold of their gun and uses it unlawfully and anyone who has a gun that is stolen shall have all of their weapons confiscated for being irresponsible and shall be prohibited from ever owning a gun again in life. Failure to comply will result in the above mentioned penalty.

Anyone who snitches on a person who unlawfully sells them a gun or who they know sells guns and turns them in is entitled to a cash award and will be free from paying federal taxes for 3 years. In order to collect on the money, the offender must be found guilty of the charge. The identity of the person snitching will be kept confidential.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

As Blacks, It Is Okay To Criticize Obama

I am as big a fan of President Barack Obama as anyone. I am also proud that I live in America and celebrate the freedoms this country offers. Specifically, I am proud that the US Constitution has afforded me guarantees protecting free speech, the right to peacefully protest and assemble, the right to practice the religion of my choosing. And prior to there being a Black President, African-Americans were often the first at the podium, before the microphone and on the street reminding our nation of it's promise to all people. These "Black Voices" are the radio hosts, television commentators, newspaper columnists, politicians, quasi-leaders and activists.
They are the voices that often lead us to action, influence our opinions, give us the "Black Perspective" on the world's issues. We trust them, we believe them and often we will follow their prescribed course of action.

Sadly, today there exists a new attitude and the words are being articulated by some of these "Black Voices". One that counters the very essence of the U.S. Constitution in which we as Black People so often turn to and wave when we feel injustice is afoot. Today it seems that some of the same Black Voices screaming to be heard and demanding justice are now attacking anyone who seeks the same from Barack Obama. Dissent on an Obama plan or policy is by some Black Voices wrongly equated with criticism of the man, President Barack Obama. Questioning him is a "sacrilege" and considered disrespectful of his position. And if the "critic" or inquirer is African-American, the more vicious the attack by Black Voices. That is wrong! That is Anti-American and counter to the very liberty we as Black people demand and in which we must continue to defend.

Frankly, I enjoy the freedoms I have to oppose the ideas of those leading my country and representing my interest. Because I can write this commentary and not fear death as a form of retaliation for my opinion is a reminder of those protections and a reminder I do not live in a dictatorship. It is a reminder that neither African-Americans nor any other ethnic group is all of one mind nor should we be or have to be.

The military has Black men are fighting along side of White men and Latino men and American women of all races, creeds and colors protecting my right to speak out against tierney and oppression. They are fighting to guard our liberties so that any of us can safely speak about the dumb moves made by American leaders and faulty legislation our leaders are driving that could hurt our families, Black, White, Latino, Asian. How else would those representing us know how we feel if we did not speak up. Moreover, these liberties are so precious to me as a Black women not because I can speak up not only when I feel that a White leader does not understand my plight, but when a Black leader does not understand either. Just because a leader is of the same race, does not mean he knows all my needs, understands their importance to my family. It certainly shouldn't mean that I cannot oppose something he thinks is a great idea simply because he is Black.... Does it?

There were Blacks in Africa who helped White slave traders capture and trade Black souls. Should I not speak up about that wrong and the crime those Blacks committed because they were Black. When a Black person commits a crime, should Black people stay silent or co-sign on the wrong committed. Should we make excuses for the wrong behavior and does doing that help us in any way?

If we hold to the belief that if a person looks like us, came from a home similar to ours, has a momma who struggled the way our mom has... that we should give him a pass we would otherwise deny "the white man" we would be on a dangerous, self-destructive path. And because "Black Voices" carry so much weight in the hearts, minds and influence of the Black community, we are obligated to be a lot more responsible then that!

There are some policies and actions in which Obama proposes that I am all in favor. But there are just as many that I do not like and I will speak about them. It is time we as a people grow the heck up. You can't demand liberty and freedom for all when Whites are in power and then expect that everyone should shut up and to relinquish these guarantees when someone you like better, or someone who looks like you is in leadership. How politically immature is that? And frankly, it is okay if you are angry with my words and want to now take your marbles and go home.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Let Freedom and Mean Words Ring...

I am one of the most vocal supporters of having a variety of information sources. Consequently, I have been very critical of business decisions that merge media companies and in turn dismantle or water down diverse opinions or perspectives. And while I do carry that banner and I detest any effort to censor speech, I submit something has got to be done about the wave of hate speech that masquerades as healthy commentary, news and information.

While unintended, the Internet has opened the door and granted legitimacy to this new realm of information exchange that is promoting hate and racism at a phenomenal pace. Formerly it was professional journalists who had the monopoly on a lot of the written word disseminated as news, commentary and information. These journalist aspired to follow a journalistic code of ethics. And wealthy media companies restrained by the possibility of a costly law suit for improper conduct provided the means to get messages out to large audiences.

Today that has changed with the unregulated and unrestrained worldwide web. Today there are individually launched and managed blogs, online radio and television stations and social media venues. Any Joe can now be his own news director and media company. This is compounded by the fact that it is hard for regular folks to tell the difference between the information disseminated responsibly by a legitimate news and information source and that which is not.

Not only has it given racist and other hate mongers a broad virtual platform from which to speak and recruit, it offers these cowards insulation from real world checks that ordinarily would stifle such bold intolerance. Once they have recruited a sizable PAC, they confidently step out of the shadow of virtual anonymity to become a self made media figure and leader of sorts.

I agree with the spirit in which Founding Fathers sought to create a nation that is not oppressive of it's citizenry and not corrupted by the ills of a powerful few intent on protecting their position and possessions. To that end, diversity of opinion and voice is priceless. Hence, freedom of speech like the right to assemble, to bear arms, the separation of power of government branches are all mechanism to guarantee just that. I even believe that people like Rush Limbaugh can be helpful in that some truths may not come to light without a loud voice of opposition. However, what was intended has been surpassed and perverted and is now doing more harm to our country then good.

In a July 2009 blog commentary featured on the Republican Free Republic Thread, the then 11-year-old Malia Obama was called "ghetto street trash." This was prompted by a photo featuring the now First Daughter sporting a t-shirt with a peace sign. Fueled by the same photo, another commentator poked, "wonder when she will get her first abortion?"

What is the benefit of that kind of rhetoric or in viciously criticizing a little girl. She was innocently sporting what she may have believed to simply be a cool t-shirt. Nothing more! How does such comments about her serve the tenements the Founding Fathers hoped our nation and citizens would die to preserve? Yet that is what has become of us in this the information age. What useful purpose would our Founding Fathers assign to such behavior. I'd venture to say none and that they would be as disgusted as I.

Forever now blurred is the line between healthy political rhetoric, hate speech and racism. Let freedom ring.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Charter Schools Are Viable Alternative for Black Community

Desperate to find a comfortable home for their babies and education professionals who do not look down on them and their circumstances, many Black families have turned to Charter Schools in urban neighborhoods. Those Blacks in suburban areas have sought out these institutions as well and for the same reasons. Why? Such Charter programs are believed to be a refuge and respite from the disparities and hostilities Black children face in mainstream schools in Delaware.

The truth is that it is the Black child in Delaware who is more likely to be suspended, expelled, miseducated, undereducated, ignored, misunderstood. The ancillary effects of all of this is a Black child who in turn fails state mandated tests and benchmarks and must go to summer school or repeat a grade. More and more we are seeing Black students regularly left behind and kept back while white children move forward and somehow excel.

While there are those who would say this is because Blacks are not as smart as Whites, this is not the case. It is more an issue of how one is treated, regarded and motivated. Point of proof.

My early education began in the old Wilmington School District among neighbors and friends who knew my family and who cared about their community's children. This was a predominately Black School District that existed in the neighborhoods of the City.
And like the city, most of the students were Black as were most of the teachers, principals and guidance counselors who also lived near the places where they taught. They were as much a part of the fabric of the community as the kids they instructed and helped to raise and guide. The school district superintendent went to school with my parents as did many of my teachers. Mr. Carmichael was my mothers principal when she was in school and was my principal in middle school. On the rare occasions when I got out of hand, it was nothing for me to get a spanking from my teacher or principal. And they were allowed because they were our school-based surrogate parents and we were their beloved children. They were just as devoted as a parent in keeping us on the right track, keeping us safe, and pushing us to use our talents to be the very best. This was in the truest sense a village raising our children.

Imagine for a moment a stranger comes to stay with you and prior to their arrival all you have heard was that they were a problem child and you'd better be on guard. That is what happened in 1978 when court ordered desegregation moved me and thousands of other black children and black teachers from their neighborhood schools to a strange new place--someone elses neighborhood. We were received as the stranger with a bad reputation--not a part of their neighborhood family. That cloud has never been lifted from the Black students in Wilmington schools since.

It is hard to function is an environment that is not warm, inviting or friendly and you do not feel connected to or a part of. This was and still is the reality for Black students in New Castle County Schools. I was lucky as were many of my friends who were bused to a suburban school with me. We'd inhaled years of the a welcoming air before the move. We'd been feed a lot of love at home and in our old urban schools that helped build our confidence in our ability and our person. We'd been spanked and hugged by teachers/neighbors who genuinely cared about our welfare and success. We were older and it would take a lot to dismantle the confidence, and studious arrogance we arrived with. So we made it. The excellence we'd mastered as youngsters while we were still unsure of ourselves and our ability stuck with us and carried us through.

My son and the children of my friends from that era do not have the same benefit. Part of who they develop into is indeed affected by the elementary encounters they must endure in an environment that is not as loving, supportive or uplifting. The new environment places our children in a constant battle to defend themselves, even before they understand what is happening to them, Black males more than any. I'd like to see what percentage of Black children compared to other ethnicity's in Delaware schools have been directed to seek medication for their child because they are believed to be ADD or ADHD or suffer from some sort of behavioral or mental health issue? The reality is that some do not know how to manage children in a classroom, especially rambunctious, bright, inquisitive Black children who have little fear and will challenge thought and authority. .

There are a number of prominent studies that explain the difference that exist between cultures. This includes how they express themselves and interact. The operative word is differences. In this age of diversity awareness you would think educators would get that different does not mean wrong, inappropriate or problematic. Some differences are as simple as terminology. (Not Ebonics) For example, just because you call it a mug and I call it a cup does not make it wrong. It simply means different. Or how about the tests in which you lose points for not knowing the terminology used in an ethnically different household.

Even through testing material and classroom exercises, upon entry into school, our young children are told their vivacious, spirited nature is wrong and must be tempered or silenced. Their inquisitive mind is said to be distracted. Challenges to old ways of thinking and coming up with new ideas is considered aggressive and disrespectful. Black children are repeatedly reminded of this as they grow up in the school system and those who don't immediately conform, are in turn medically caged, or caged in an alternative learning programs or alternative schools to manage their behavior and spirit. And we wonder why they rebell and some of their actions become inappropriate.

For the parent who recognizes their child is talented, smart, capable and refuses to let their energy be extinguished, Charter Schools like Moyer Academy are who they turn to. It is because it is an institution that is run by people they know and trust, people from their community, people who believe in the ability of Black children and share the parents passion to motivate these young minds. It is because it is an environment where students feel loved, warm, safe, comfortable and capable. It is because Black parents are tired of the teacher's conferences where the teacher tells you all of the things they feel is wrong with the Black child and can't think of anything or very little to tell you that is right. It is because the Black parent feels as much a stranger and outsider to this school now as they did when they were on the school bus at the start of desegregation.

Of course we all want a quality learning center that prepares our youngsters to excel in every academic challenge. At one point, it was believed that busing and time would yeild that. Not so. However, neighborhood Charter Schools that offer an environment like that I excelled in should be supported. If the school is not meeting minimum educational qualifications, give them the resources to do so. Do not shut them down. You've already made the first hurdle... offering an environment the student feels able to learn and do well. All is needed is the learning material and an innovative curriculum to address that need.

Charter Schools often have to do much of it's own fundraising. In poor neighborhoods, there are not a lot of benefactors to help. If the school is working with a population of students that the mainstream system poorly serves or ignores, it is all of our responsibility to pay for what is needed. Those organizing the school took the first brave step to meet the challenge. Why not help them succeed.

In the case of Moyer Academy, how hard would it be to simply reorganize the center so that student performance levels improve. It is honorable and necessary to set high benchmarks that should be met. And using non-traditional classroom teachers like out of work scientists, mathematicians, historians and journalists to meet the goal could be the way to do this.